
The Only Girl in the Race in the Audi Commercial Buy a Car

The Internet is in the proverbial tizzy about Audi's "feminist" Super Bowl advertisement, in which the automaker comes out in favor of equal pay for women.

At beginning blush, the spot seems to exist zippo but the usual corporate slacktivism, a feel-good fluff-vertorial making a "dauntless stand up" in support of an consequence that was decided long ago. I'm reminded of Joaquin Phoenix's brilliant portrayal of Commodus in Gladiator, arriving in full armor as shortly every bit he can do and then without whatsoever risk. "Begetter, take I missed the battle?" Well, Audi, y'all've missed the war; if there's a place in the U.s.a. where women are actually paid significantly less for doing the same chore equally men, information technology'due south not evident from what I'm reading.

Later on watching the i-minute advertising advisedly, however, I understood feminism, or equal pay, is the last thing Audi wants y'all to take away from it. The bulletin is far subtler, and more powerful, than the dull recitation of the pseudo-progressive catechism dawdling on in the background. This spot is visual — and as you'll see beneath, you can't understand information technology until you lookout man information technology and come across what information technology's really telling you.

Let me tell you up front end: chances are yous won't like what Audi has to say.

The scene is a "soapbox derby" race. Non the real Discourse Derby, heed you; that's a highly competitive event held on a nationwide ground involving both young boys and young girls almost equally. Nor is it a kart race, despite the fact in that location are plenty of very skilled girls in youth karting. The carper in me says it wouldn't serve the bulletin to evidence a real sport where girls are already a big part of the story. To find a world where girls are the underdog in youth racing, we need to go to the past.

And that's why this fake race is shot in a location, and in a visual language, deliberately evocative of Steven Spielberg's "E.T." Information technology'south that aforementioned anonymous California landscape, the same dust in the air, the aforementioned scrub-brush-lined roads to nowhere. This race doesn't happen in 2017; it happens in 1982. This is the youth of today's l-year-old Audi buyer, not the manner it was just the way it was shown to them manner back when. It certainly worked on me; I felt the immediate tug of nostalgia for a place I'd never been. As the narrator starts to drone on about "What will I tell my girl … " the photographic camera starts scanning the filigree.

Let's meet the first racer. The visual linguistic communication hither is so careful. Information technology's a boy — older, thuggish, wearing a converted catcher's mask. And he's fat. Remember that in the modern idiom, the cherished assumption set of the Eloi, fat means poor.

Generic Fat Thug Kid #ii. This one looks nearly like a sumo wrestler; his skin is dark.

Ah, here's Dad, the "Mary Sue" of Audi customers. The tallest person in the crowd — tall ways rich — and effortlessly handsome, dressed in the exercise mufti of the NorCal leisure set. Annotation that he's surrounded by black people, who are shorter and smaller than him. As we'll see, in that location are no black kids in this race. The African-Americans are just here to play a supporting office. Information technology's fabulously, hilariously racist, just it'southward only visible for a moment, just enough to reconfirm your subliminal perceptions.

Let's start this race. It'due south a nice impact that a child throws the flag; the suggestion is that this event was put on past the kids, the manner Scot Breithaupt started the first BMX races in the sunny SoCal Seventies.

Is this the daughter of our handsome protagonist? Don't get it twisted; the dad, not the daughter, is our protagonist. The daughter is an object of want. Non sexual desire, only objective desire. She'south something you desire to accept, not the person you want to exist. But I doubt this is the daughter. Allow's expect at the visual language. She's got a coarse, chunky prole face, obvious braces, and an old-style varsity jacket. In other words, she's poor, merely like the fat boys. And just in case you can't read the message, they've actually put stripper glitter on her face — or the suggestion of it, at least.

The inclusion of this other daughter seems like a staggering error, considering she gets dusted right at the starting time of the race. If this story is well-nigh girls overcoming all odds, then having another girl who is at the dorsum of the pack doesn't serve the narrative. Only the narrative, I assure you, is quite operational. Take yous figured out yet what this spot is really nigh?

In a quick shot, we come across the real girl, shown at the tiptop of this postal service. She'll obviously exist a gorgeous woman when she grows up. Now allow's meet her offset opponent: a Traditional American Boy Right Downward To The Fucking Peter Fonda Captain America Helmet! This is the enemy. Isn't that a lovely inversion, and isn't it so in line with that modern catechism? He sneers at her — she's just a girl. Nonetheless his glee doesn't last long; she gets around him in a bustle. And then nosotros get a beautiful, evocative shot of the mural. Presumably at that place's a bunch of kids on Kuwahara BMX bikes riding effectually the next loma over.

Uh-oh. In the words of the infamous rap song, the fatty boys are dorsum. Expect at this kid. Look at the vacant expression of malice. If you want to know how the upper-centre class sees their inferiors, this is a good snapshot of it.

Permit's get some other shot of the child and so you can see just how mesomorphic he is. Mesomorphic ways poor.

He's well-nigh to blast the heroine, but right as the narrator says "intelligence," she pulls some sort of milled-aluminum Eastward-brake much like the one you'd see in a half-one thousand thousand-dollar rallycross car. See the "Exercise Not Attempt" at the bottom of the screen? I tin can't tell if that's the lawyers at work or a scrap of subtle brilliance from the filmmakers.

Disaster for the fat boy! Note the quick shot of a skull and crossbones on his automobile. What, is this some kind of tween-anile death race? And why are there 2 kids in another one of the cars? Oh, look, I know. This is some other motion-picture show evocation from the same era: The Road Warrior. Again I'm gobsmacked by the brilliance of whoever directed this spot. The visual language is a perfect shorthand of the Mel Gibson disaster flick: call up the mesomorphic, hateful-mugged bad guy and the cars that had two people in them for no reason?

Information technology'southward the kid in offset. Again, if you're up to date on your Mad Max characters, you'll recognize the Bruce Spence "Gyro Airplane pilot" grapheme from Road Warrior and Thunderdome. Narrow face up, crazed expression, unnecessary goggles. Well, nosotros know he's going to lose and the girl is going to win.

Which she does, and at present we return to the dad. In even so another brilliantly subtle flake of shot selection, the black "allies" effectually him have disappeared. Did they become bored? Instead, we have a hillbilly dad: baseball game cap, ringer-style T-shirt, gritty poor-folks face like "Rowdy" in Days of Thunder. And boy, is he pissed. He takes his lid off and makes an angry motion. He must be the white-trash dad of one, or more, of the fatty white-trash kids with their football war paint. Information technology'south a short but massively constructive shot. The skillful white people win, the bad white people lose.

At that place'due south some great acting here, fifty-fifty if it'south a footling squicky with all of the rapt devotion. If y'all can notice a girl who looks at yous like that… marry her.

Having won the race against all odds, information technology's fourth dimension to quit the scene and get back to the gated community.

I assume the car is here because the customer demanded that the production be shown, if merely for three seconds. Information technology'due south actually a really lousy thing to do to the ad bureau, because not only is a modern Audi absolutely incongruous in this 1982 dreamland, it raises an unpleasant question: Where's the discourse automobile? Simply fifty-fifty if you presume that the hicks who run this impromptu sanction seized information technology for technical inspection later — I sure as hell would, it ran from near-last to first, doing that shit in Spec Miata volition earn yous a free engine teardown — it raises yet some other, more difficult question: How'd the soapbox derby motorcar go to the race in the first identify?

At that place's only one logical reply to that question: Super Dad and Super Daughter accept a pit crew, some group of muddied, unsung mechanics who bring the car to the race the same way that my main man John Shevel preps and hauls my Neon to races so I can swan up in my 911 at the very last minute, throw on a helmet, and screw up my qualifying session. That'southward what this supportive, high-net-worth feminist dad and his genetically superior daughter did: only similar whatsoever skilful progressive Eloi, they outsourced the greasy work to the Morlocks. And that's a shame, because if you ask any competent Lather Box Derby participant, they'll tell you lot the race is won in the prep shop, not at the loma.

Well, if you've been reading along, I remember you've figured out what the real message of this Audi advertisement is, but simply in case y'all've been napping I will spell it out for you: Money and breeding always trounce poor white trash. Those other kids in the race, from the overweight boys to the hick who actually had an American flag helmet to the stripper-glitter girl? They never had a adventure. They're losers and they always will be, just like their loser parents. Audi is the choice of the winners in today's economic system, the polish talkers who say all the right things in all the right meetings and are promoted up the chain because they are tall (aye, that makes a difference) and handsome without being overly masculine or threatening-looking.

At the stop of this race, it's left to the Morlocks to clean the identify up and pack the derby cars into their trashy pickup trucks, while the beautiful people step off into the California sun, the natural and carefree winners of life'south lottery. Audi is explicitly suggesting that choosing their production will identify you as one of the chosen few. I find it personally offensive. Every bit an owner of i of the outset 2009-model-year Audi S5s to gear up tire on American soil, yet also as an ugly, sick-favored child who endured a scrappy Midwestern upbringing, I find it much easier to identify with the aroused-faced fat kids in their dwelling house-congenital specials or the boy with the Captain America helmet.

At the cease, what does this ad exercise? It simply reinforces our natural biases. Poor is bad, rich is adept, and nearly importantly, rich people deserve their fortune considering they are inherently improve than the rest of u.s.a.. You might not like that message, but it's been selling cars for a very long time. If Audi wanted to effort some authentic activism, they might consider showing u.s.a. an African-American man or woman who overcame a tough upbringing to become an actual customer, or perhaps a differently-abled person who's accomplished plenty to buy himself an S8 as a reward for his difficult work. Merely that's not terribly aspirational, is it? Who wants to be those people? And, by the same token, who wouldn't desire to exist that handsome father lifting his beautiful girl out of someone else's winning race motorcar?


The Only Girl in the Race in the Audi Commercial Buy a Car

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